
Friday, May 22, 2020

What do you need to have for raising chicks?

So last week on my Facebook page, I was asked about what would someone need to raise chicks.  As many have seen that we are projected to go through a meat shortage (however, true or not true that is).  So one of the easiest ways to have meat is to raise your own chickens and you can raise them to lay eggs as well.  My main response was how many chickens do you plan on getting because that is imperative to know for the amount of supplies you would need.

You can get all of the supplies needed by going to Tractor Supply or your local Feed and Seed store. The must items for chicks is a brooder, feed and water containers.  If you are planning on raising chicks in the cooler months you would need a heat lamp as well.  Another item that you would need is pine shavings.  In addition, you would need some chick starter feed.

Also, you would need to have a shed or coop to start your chicks in. For the first two weeks of the chicks life they would definitely need to be in a brooder (determining of your climate).  And if you are raising turkeys, they would need to be in 95 degree for the first week and then go down 5 degrees a week until you get to 70 degrees.  Chicks are more resilient at the earlier ages of their life compared to turkeys. 

For meat birds, you can get the cornish rocks or any cornish cross chicks.  Another good meat bird is the freedom rangers.  For egg laying, I am very partial to Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, and Golden Sex Links due to their temperament.  For a family of four, I would also recommend 6 to 8 chicks.  Cornish Rocks can be harvested at 6 to 8 weeks.  Freedom Rangers will take a little bit longer.  You can find chicks at either Tractor Supply, feed stores, or hatcheries like Murray McMurrayWelp Hatchery, and Hoovers Hatchery.  Most of the time hatcheries will require a minimum order amount and you will have to pick up the chicks from your local post office. 

Raising chicks are fun and exciting.  They will definitely make you laugh at some of their antics.  Enjoy the fun and adventures of raising chicks. 

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